Sustainable mobility partner

With our Sustainable Mobility Partnership (SMP) Programme, we aim to be part of the European Mobility Transition. We help cities implement their sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) and address transport and mobility related challenges such as congestion, air and noise pollution, climate change, alternatives to fossil fuels, urban expansion and decreasing public budgets.

With our mobility hubs we offer urban solutions for accessibility, liveability, housing, sustainability and mobility equality, and transform search traffic into destination traffic and enable kerbside management optimisation.

Together with our mobility partners we seek ways to make sustainable mobility successful. Measures we can help introduce include:

  • transitioning from on-street to off-street parking;

  • transforming search traffic to destination traffic with smart navigation and pre-booking;

  • facilitating EV charging and shared mobility;

  • adding logistics services, bicycle parking and lockers in our parking facilities.

Sustainable mobility planning for the wider urban area involves focusing on communities, liveability and on individuals' mobility needs rather than accommodating traffic. And as the need for sustainable mobility increases, the focus is now shifting:

  • from cars to people (space & greenery);

  • from cars to active mobility (walking & cycling);

  • from owned to shared (car sharing & public transport);

  • from fossil fuels to emission-free transport (EV cars & EV logistics).

We have over 170 mobility hubs which provide access to a variety of sustainable mobility solutions. Supporting urban accessibility, sustainability and liveability.

Mobility transition

Mobility transition is a set of social, technological, political and partnership processes of converting traffic (including urban logistics) and mobility to sustainable transport with renewable energy resources, and an integration of several different modes of private transport and local public transport.